Zhou Zhiruo has nothing to do without Pang Xia: щ W.

There are still two days before I agreed to come here with the people at the Starlight Reception.
After thinking for a moment, Pang Xia suddenly thought that he still had one unfinished job.
That is, find Jiutian, send someone to get Jiutian, and send the town to send magic.
Then put it into the valley of nine days and ten places together with "Ten Earths of Hades"
He didn’t know whether this Pang Xiaji was forced to accept the theory of "Nine Days School" or "Nine Days and Ten Fields Valley".
Pang Xia is still ready to inquire at this stage.
Before that, Pang Xia had actually inquired with 9 Hao, but 9 Hao did not check it.
So Pang Xia will be able to find the guy whose intelligence ability is better than 9 Hao in a martial arts world.
Thought of here, Pang Xia simply set off at once and took the boat to the Central Plains.
His destination is in a valley in Kunlun Mountain, where the First School of Heaven is located!
Kunlun Mountain, as always, makes people feel respected.
Especially when Pang Xia is look around in that valley of Kunlun mountain.
Walking into the mountain valley, Pang Xia’s flying skill is as easy as walking on the ground, no matter how steep the mountain road is.
What’s more, there are people in this valley who have carved out a simple road.
For ordinary people, this simple road is dangerous, but for martial arts experts, it is just a little difficult to walk.
It wasn’t long before Pang Xia saw a vast and huge stone hall.
Looking at the boulder carved on the edge of the stone hall, Pang Xia knew that he had found the right place.
Smiled and lifted her feet toward the inside.
However, at this time, a man and a woman rushed out from the left and right sides.
They both rushed to Pang Xia with a sword in their hands and immediately used swordsmanship to cooperate with the attack.
Both of these players have innate realm strength, and the swordsmanship they practiced is also a superb swordsmanship of two people fighting together.
Therefore, its power is so great that even Pang Xia can’t help raising eyebrows.
"You two should be the first people of the day, too. I wonder if you can call that guy from the sea for me?"
Listen, Pang Xia calls the sea by its name. These two players have a flash of murder when they wave their swords and attack without mercy.
See this PangXia nai shook his head with both hands palm Wolf Warriors arms to two long swords.
The outbreak of palm force was originally made of materials, but the double swords at the prefecture level were in the arms and palm force of Pang Xia magic weapon Wolf Warriors.
The double swords directly broke into pieces and scattered out.
The two players were directly hit by Pang Xia’s palm wind and hit a nearby tree.
Two people surprised to see PangXia face than dignified.
Yu Pangxia is the root didn’t look at the two of them to look at just appeared in front of his half an acquaintance.
Cold front is a good name, which makes the dog take the example of two brothers who love each other and kill each other.
The cold front information flashed in my heart, and then Pang Xia smiled and said, "It’s been a long time since the cold front. I want to see the sea."
Cold front naturally knows that Pang Xia and the sea are as strange as friends and enemies.
So he was silent for a pair of PangXia nodded.
Then he said to the two players, "Purple Ying! Qingsuo! You two back off! This is the head friend. "
Cold front with PangXia walked into the stone hall.
Watching the player Pang Xia disappear into the Woods on both sides, he said to Lengfeng, "Are those two people your adjutants?"
Hearing Pang Xia’s words, the cold front was silent for a moment and said, "Not everyone has an adjutant, but I don’t."
Purple Ying and Qingsuo are natural adjutants, but they don’t follow naturally at ordinary times. "
Know nodded PangXia then shut up and followed the cold front to a small garden behind the Stone Temple.
At this time, the sea is lying in the small garden, sleeping in the lounge chair.
But when Pang Xia stepped into the small garden, the sea suddenly disappeared in the lounge chair.
At the same time PangXia suddenly turned around and split out a palm behind him.
Palm offset a huge air billow spread around.
The cold front’s face changed rapidly and retreated quickly, but that’s it. He still felt a dull chest.
At this time, Pang Xia looked at a face of excitement and the sea did not retain the real strength to start.
Seeing this, the sea has also exerted ten successes, but it is still slightly suppressed by Pang Xia.
Pang Xia takes three steps back and the sea takes three and a half steps back.

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Abrupt, she looked at the tortoise and snake interwoven with Hei Di. She was about to open her mouth when she saw a thunder falling from the sky and exploding around her, which made the big black dog vanish in an instant.

"Black emperor predecessors heard that you had followed a furious emperor who didn’t know what era it was? "Aside filial piety day dog was disturbed by the tail close up some curious questions.
Since ancient times, the era has been shattered, and there are three famous emperors, all of whom have disappeared silently.
"Wang is broken! The emperor finally remembered what he had forgotten! "Black emperor smell speech is a tingle. I have never seen the emperor since I left reincarnation, and I know that Xuantianzong has always forgotten to look for her.
The emperor will not be angry, will he?
Blame this charming little bald head! The evil emperor’s will is not firm, and the world is charming. The big black dog sighs inwardly and hurriedly slaps his paws on Liantaidun to find the forgotten emperor.
Xuantianzong had already ascended the patriarch’s throne and somehow woke up and looked at the time knife in front of him. Now the light is shining and the ripples are stirred. He couldn’t help but get up and come to the outside of the temple.
God’s mind is spreading out and seeing a magnificent Buddha dog from a distance.
"Little black? When did it get into the door? 」
Zheng, how is this dress so similar to the future Buddha statue you have seen?
I haven’t seen you for a period of time, but I haven’t heard that the Buddha will return in the future, but a mortal body has been beheaded.
The bell of Shaolin Temple rings
Waves spread like ripples and entered the Hall of the Great Hero. Before seeing the Buddha statue, a figure was dressed in a golden cassock, and a wooden fish was slowly sounded in the bell. He was a magic pestle different from ordinary people.
However, each stroke is a point where the soft bosom is just not more than one point, not weaker than one point, so that all monks can resonate.
"Amitabha! 」
In an instant, there was a rumbling of Buddhist sounds from all sides of the temple, and all of them sang amitabha together.
Since the Western Regions discussed Buddhism fifteen years ago, Amitabha, the current host, said that the other two monasteries presided over more powerful repression, which made their hearts move towards integration.
Over the years, the three temples of Shuiyue Temple, Kongoji and Shaolin Temple have been United, and Amitabha Buddha, a sumeru, has become a major force for the first time.
Amitabha, Amitabha.
He recited it quietly in the Hall of Heroes, as if he were calling a person, and as if it were a different name, three hazy and illusory relics burst out and spread, and the water waves in air billow rippled and glistened
One is linked to the past chanting Buddha sounds like a quotation; One expounds that amitabha was read in the present world; One penetrates into the future, and the sounds of Amitabha Buddha are layered as if they were symphonic and gradually integrated.
"Amitabha! 」
In the end, three relics circled together to form a golden giant Buddha, which made a deafening sound.
In the Sanskrit, Amitabha means "measure". Amitabha measures light, life, work, compassion and magical power!
At the same time, the giant golden Buddha in the pure land of western bliss also smiled and whispered "Amitabha is kind and kind"
Somehow, she felt as if she had lost another point, but her smile became more and more intense.
In the past year, after she applied for the Dharma, she successively completed her dharma body and practiced the Dharma on the other side, so that she was one of the strongest and oldest people in the party.
It’s a pity that although she became a Taoist early, she was late. Like the Buddha, she explored a relatively perfect method that was more suitable for herself through the experience and lessons of respecting the Buddha. By supporting outsiders, she allowed her to inherit the past, the future and the present, and saved all beings. It was only after some secret methods that she became a product of her own reduction.
That is to say, before landing, if anyone goes back to the new moon history and undertakes it, then the original person will no longer be Amitabha’s product of reduction, and then the law will affect her, but once she breaks away from her misery, the past and the future will be the same, and she will always make changes in the product of reduction.
The scene in the Hall of the Great Hero is obviously a sign that people who ask for less are quietly changing Maitreya, but their perception seems to be deceived.
Blue sea and surging waves, a wide page, a boat galloping past and rolling down several streamers.
At this time, Wan Qing was surfing in the East China Sea.
However, there is another blue robe in the boat, with long hair. He is opposite and the two of them are faintly resonating, giving off special qi, as if something has shifted.
A figure in the depths of the sea eye came over many obstacles and came to the temple.
It seems that if the symbolic concepts of "goodness", "ritual oath" and "temperament" of heaven and earth fit together, wearing colorful Xia clothes, wearing a ceremonial crown, and stepping on a hundred birds’ boots, the waist is surrounded by mountains and vows, which is elegant and sacred and reveals a sense of "perfection"
Behind them, the five virtues interweave, and the phoenix turns to emptiness, and the five virtues reverse each other’s rotation and self-reincarnation.
The heavy curtains in the temple swayed slightly, as if a breeze had blown over the "demon emperor" and he was silent. "It’s a good thing that Ren Huang was completely different."
I don’t know if she stared at the body with a little ups and downs and a little inexplicable complex emotions.
"I want the demon family to unify the Zhou Dynasty and rob Taoist friends at the end of the period." The emperor stood with long and colorful eyes. The demon sacred gun and the demon sacred brand that belonged to Fuxiqin throughout the ages were swallowed up by her and took over as her own.
"If we can get through the final robbery hand in hand, we can." "Demon Emperor" has no acquiescence that it is difficult to interfere with many words, and his own path is in line with the goal of reducing demands.
The emperor turned around and walked into Tianhaiyuan. The historical traces left by the past have influenced the world and shaped a passage saying that the demon saints in heaven and earth have been marked. "Take charge of the music, ceremony, oath, five virtues and heavenly phoenix." She also contributed to the rise of the demon race in the past, and now she will lead the rise of the ethnic group again.
"The return of the emperor demon race unify we should also return to the real world! 」
"Big week territory really will endure us? The conflict between the shemale and the shemale has been going on for a long time since ancient times. It’s hard to say for so many years. "

Posted in 桑拿网 | Comments Off on Abrupt, she looked at the tortoise and snake interwoven with Hei Di. She was about to open her mouth when she saw a thunder falling from the sky and exploding around her, which made the big black dog vanish in an instant.

"No, who is this cow who becomes a burn after flying? Obviously a female player! "

"Well, I think so, too. How can a man be called Huang?"
However, Lin Tianxiae asked wait for a while at this time, "Who do you think that player is? Did he become a phoenix after flying?"
"Nonsense is not who she is!"
"Holy shit, that’s my wife!"
"Your wife? Isn’t your wife an archer? "
"Another wife!"
Liu Heng and the goblin followed their faces with a wry smile. "Yayuan and Xiaotian got married and sealed a big red envelope. It seems that it will be double!"
It is said that Yang Qianqian committed suicide and practiced a new character after breaking up with Lin Tianxiao. Although he called Wang Shu, there was a Yang Qianqian left in the novice village and he didn’t tell Zhou Xiaofu that there was one left, which was directly hidden to Zhou Xiaofu.
As luck would have it, after entering the game, Yang Qianqian didn’t have the ability to hide, kill monsters, train and kill Yang Qianqian, so he became addicted to killing chickens. Accidentally, he trained to level 11 and killed hundreds of thousands of chickens.
At this time, Yang Qianqian came to the ear and said that he had killed 500,000 Wanda, and he went to find an old man named’ gay’ under certain conditions.
You can tell by the name that it’s not a good person, but now that it’s unified, Yang Qianqian knows that it’s definitely a hidden one, and I’m afraid even Uncle Wang doesn’t know it.
In fact, there are many people who grope for hidden people. There are many people who kill hundreds of thousands of people, but they don’t insist on 500 thousand. Yang Qianqian is the only one.
After a lot of searching in the novice village, I saw a’ beggar’ in the corner of a room. In fact, even a beggar is not as good as a beggar. The beggar’s name is gay!
So Yang Qianqian linked up with gay people one by one, and all of them were finished by Yang Qianqian, that is, after the first one, the gay people suddenly gave him a skill and disappeared with his figure!
And Yang Qianqian received the instruction after learning this skill!
This is Yang Qianqian’s hidden career Brewmaster!
Chapter 19 Brewmaster
The sky is blue and the sea breeze is cool. Lin Tianxie is holding Zhou Xiaofu and Yang Qianqian’s hands and sitting on the beach watching the sunset blowing the sea breeze. It’s already three days later. Lin Tianxie’s chrysanthemum has already healed, and Zhou Xiaofu and Yang Qianqian have also practiced to level 2 and found Lin Tianxie in Sabac.
"What is Qian Qian Brewmaster’s occupation!"
After chatting for such a long time, Lin Tianxiae also knew about Yang Qianqian’s hidden career, Brewmaster, before he asked about it.
"I don’t know, but my skills are very fierce. I don’t know how to do it in the future!"
Said Yang Qianqian will learn that skill to light up. Lin Tianxiao looked surprised at his face.
Drunk and hazy (fairy skill elementary /5) After the skill is put into use, all the attributes will be doubled. When the effect is 3 seconds, the mana will be consumed. When the skill is cooled, it will take 3 minutes. Under certain conditions, the liquor will be three or two!
"Boy, the attribute has doubled, but it seems that Qian Qian will become a little alcoholic!" Lin Tianxiao said with a wry smile, if this profession of Brewmaster is developed, don’t say level 5, it will be level 1. Who can kill it? Is it advanced in the future? How to get Brewmaster’s vocational skills? Although the career is awesome, the prospects are worrying!
But Lin Tianxie didn’t say it. Expectation is a beautiful thing. Now the most important thing is to practice the level of two big beauties.
"Come on, I’ll take you two to train!"
Pulling up two women’s hands, I went straight to the wormhole. It happened that the goblin was here to brush the level. He also took thousands of people. Now there are fewer and fewer novices. From the initial tens of thousands of people every day to the present, thousands of people have entered the game after such a long time. The number of players has reached billions, and the number of Chinese people has entered 70%
Let the goblin divide the two girls into two groups and tell the goblin not to bring them after this wave. Zha Di also has to take the two girls to level 97. No!
Ten minutes later, the thousand players left at level 7, and at this time, Lin Tianxiao and four people have come to the fourth floor, and the level of two women has reached level 3, which makes the two women’s mouths never close!
The four-story monster was quickly cleaned up by the goblin, and the second female level rose to level 9 here. Because of the fast speed, the four-story monster was cleaned up. Although there was an agreement with the Zerg, everything was discussed by Lin Tianxiao with three people to the fifth floor.
As soon as I arrived, the praying mantis flew over with an angry look, staring at Lin Tianxiao. The World War II has not yet been decided. The praying mantis has always been unhappy. Seeing Lin Tianxiao’s spreading wings, he wants to compete with Lin Tianxiao again!

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Volume 2 Peak! Daqingshan Chapter 115 March

It’s been ten days since Lin momo returned to the Discovery Fleet. This issue has overcome all difficulties and finally made the Great Mighty successfully promoted to the Discovery Fleet. Since then, she has owned a strange star cruise ship of her own.
"Hehe, how does Uncle Bodan feel recently?" Lin momo looked at sight with messy hair and a lot of bearded savages in a good mood.
Perhaps Lin momo has tortured the hostages, and the more energy he spends on seeing others’ star cruises, the greater his joy. Anyway, Bo Dan has succeeded and is ready for a better future.
"Mom, there is absolutely nothing in this world that is more difficult than the promotion of Star Cruises. I have no experience when I suffer! It is angry. You adjutant don’t help Lai Dawei at all. "
"Tut-tut, Uncle Shan should be happy to improve your control ability of the Great Power. I believe that it is more handy to control the core data through hard work in recent years. I am not idle to go out and bring back some advanced resources for you this time. The Great Power still has a great increase. Don’t miss the opportunity. Every percentage increase in the evolution value means that the strength will increase by one point, and those mobile turrets need to be re-forged. I believe that Uncle and Great Power can do this job well. I will definitely hand over the adjutant after I arrive. By then, the Discovery fleet should have taken off."
"What? Found rare resources again? Oh, my god. Are you the devil? Or is it the old man’s private life? How can good things always spread to you? "
"Hey, hey, I didn’t expect Uncle Bodan to believe in the emperor. Speaking of it, I was an old man three thousand years ago. This underground palace is a relic left by that old man, but the rare resources I obtained this time are a coincidence, from bloody Goethe. I will let Louis distribute them later."
"ah? You-you’re a descendant of the star hero Xiao Shuihan? Wait, is there really a bloody Goethe treasure here? "
"Well, don’t be surprised. I’ve sent the cactus to check in the Jade Bird. If the Iron Magic successfully merged with the Green Nest and was promoted to the odd level, I’m going to melt the bloody Goethe Jade Bird. You know, this is a famous ship in the world of star pirates two thousand years ago. Maybe it can refine something from the hull to melt the Jade Bird. The energy loss should be affordable, but it is equal to energy to buy resources."
"Melting jade bird? Ordinary people don’t dare to do this if they don’t recover much material from the Jade Bird, so it’s not worth the loss to spend a lot of energy to do it! "
"If you don’t build a fleet, you usually have to take some risks. I am measured and believe in the melting probability of the green nest."
Bo Dan no longer says that there are thousands of owners and one discoverer. Who is the biggest fleet now? It is this dashing young man who talks about this mysterious guy Philips who seems to have not grown much for a while.
Seen from a distance, the Great Weiwu is magnificent and abnormal, just like a lion in a crouch, even in the quietest state, it gives people a natural psychological oppression.
This word "Great Mighty" is not a white call. When the head of the regiment built this ship, he began to imagine creating psychological pressure, but he didn’t expect the potential to be brought into full play by the thin sheet. Perhaps the thin sheet has a matrix of mind and teachers and students, so it exudes a majesty, which is by no means comparable to Yagues’s second sai-jo.
Lin momo is used to being a shopkeeper of cutting, and the commander of the British fleet will not do it himself, but will work out a big plan and put the power on all the roles in the fleet. These roles are tentacles that can think for themselves
People are an embarrassing situation, but it’s okay for Lin momo to actively give it to the noodle people, Louis and Orleans, who have grown up rapidly, but have made progress. Li Linglong is a very transparent woman who no longer engages in corpuscles but opens her eyes and seizes the opportunity to develop the Red Coral.
The most gratifying thing is that gruss, a reckless young man, is still good. He has high potential for war command. It will be a beautiful jade to carve it in time. It is a good choice for him to check and balance.
After all, the Discovery Fleet is not the Tenchu Fleet. Lin momo invested a lot of money and didn’t want to raise the baiwenhang. However, this fleet has a complicated structure and many problems.
For example, the old man alone can easily win the favor of many captains, while gruss is the captain of the flagship Obsidian. This kind of intention to recommend him is very obvious, even though Louis and Orleans will do their best to help him. If Obsidian does not shine, there will still be a very bumpy road to go in the future.
Lin momo put it badly, but he didn’t put it badly, but he had a chest full of dry Kun fleet. Every captain has the nature of when to do something. He only plays the role of the leader of the Tianzhu fleet for more than ten years, not to mention the superb management means. Playing with a newly formed fleet will never fail
The Discovery Fleet has received a large amount of investment, and the essence of the Star Silk Mine is strong. Every ship has entered the peak development stage. Even if the foundation is the worst, Lin Sisuo will go to the sixth ancestor of Hengbo and Phantom of the Opera before the development experience, and the hull impurities will be refined a little to eliminate hidden dangers and go to the high end.
After the great mighty ship was successfully promoted to the odd-class star cruise ship, Obsidian successfully reached the B-class bottleneck period. This kind of development speed can shape the word "terror". Every captain in the fleet gives birth to an unrealistic and illusory feeling. I feel that what I have encountered recently is like dreaming, and everything seems to be entering a dreamy and dreamy development speed. I am afraid that this dream will suddenly wake up one day.
These captains are excited and worried about their work every day. What do they struggle for half a generation? Not yet. Is there such a situation? Unconsciously, these captains vowed to maintain this "dream" and would never let the dream die. Whoever attacked the Discovery Fleet and robbed them of benefits would be the enemy.
Lin momo can imagine the mental journey of the captains, but he doesn’t have contact with them because he has a more important thing waiting for him to do.
Fifty boxes of golden apples are treasures brought back from the Jade Bird. They are said to be treasures because these golden apples are very rare and play an important role for pharmacists and can quickly form combat effectiveness.
In a blink of an eye, Lin momo has been immersed in these golden apples for five days and five nights. At this time, Taitou finally made up his mind to lead the fleet into the ten-star array
According to Jakkula and his deputy adjutant, it’s no secret that Lin momo has mastered the five powerful mutant zerg overlord. It’s quite surprising that the head of the delegation is surrounded by a wise man to help gradually restore the truth.
Five powerful mutant zerg overlord even if the blood-soaked fleet can suppress fire, it is almost impossible to kill them without damage.
After the wise men around Taitou, they finally get a limit result. If the command is effective, 30 to 40 elite star cruise ships can hold the key to the cooperation of the five zerg overlords and make the ship’s fighting skills slightly worse, which will double the damage. This will be a tragic and abnormal war.
Pay back too much. There are many things to consider. Pay so much. What is the rate of return? Is it concluded that there is a treasure in the Xiao cold magnetic cloud just because the vein warrior appears? It is impossible to always plan everything before taking action.
Although TaiTou is the first person in the blood-soaked adventure group, what he hates most is taking risks. The so-called risks are all carried out before he is absolutely sure, so he is not sure to fight for his fortune. He can’t do it.
The fact that 210 star cruises have moved is that this so-called blood-soaking head is composed of three parts. Taitou, this greedy wolf is the flagship, and it is mainly in charge of 99 elite-level wars, while the other two odd-level star cruises, Wei Qi Sha and Tian Ying Huo Ling, are also the flagship. The three fleets can be combined or separated.
Jakkula brought out that a few B-class star cruise ships are naturally not qualified to be mixed into the fleet. The head of the fleet sent a confidant to take charge and still wait outside the ten-star array.
This time, the head of the expedition is quite confident. The wise man has deduced everything clearly, and when and what to do has a process. Although the five zerg overlords are terrible, they are not invincible
Confidence comes from strength and blood. It is true that this family business is not weak today, which is several times stronger than Lin momo’s previous understanding.
As soon as the blood-bathing fleet entered the top of xingbing Mountain suspended by magnetic clouds, it was noticed that it disappeared for a moment. Now xingbing Mountain can no longer form obstacles, but it is just an ordinary peak in the suspended magnetic clouds.
Although the ten-star array is powerful, I am too confident to break it. I have waited for so many days to find a solution to break it.
The wise man who bathed in blood is amazing. After more than ten days’ observation, they found a relatively fragile place with a ten-star array. After all, this ten-star array is generated by cosmic magnetic force. It is necessary to have a vast force to attack within three days, so that the attack power is strong enough to bathe in blood before the gap appears. This super array is naturally no problem, and even worse, it may be possible to find his way out of the battle.
"What did you say? The blood-bathing fleet has entered the magnetic cloud? It is impossible for Jakkula to go back to Huojia Port for three months? " Lin momo heard the report and was frightened to disgrace.
"I also think this matter is quite strange. Is there another arrangement outside the escape guy?"
"Don’t think so much when things get to this point. This plan is to quickly arrange for the strong enemy to attack."
Volume 2 Peak! Daqingshan Chapter 1151 Enemy strength
"This is the magnetic cloud? That mountain in the distance should be xingbing Mountain? " The colonel stood with his hand in his hand, and his bridge stood like a sculpture. No one knew what the old man was thinking next to him.
"Mount Tai xingbing has been abandoned. Our main purpose is to March into the mysterious continent in the magnetic cloud. If we spend too much time here, I’m worried …"
"Not much to say, I have always been striving for stability in my work, so that Faku and some of their wise men can go to explore the vein warriors. Three thousand years ago, the powerful force was a flash in the pan, and I was still quite curious."
"Yes, please inform Faku to lead a group of wise men."
"alas!" The colonel sighed heavily, "How many years have you followed me, Lieutenant Leia?"
"It’s been thirty-four years since I told Taishu that I’ve been following Taishu, thinking of helping to soak up blood and go up a storey still higher, but I didn’t expect to encounter insect robbery in my lifetime."
"Yes! It’s been thirty-four years, and my health is getting worse every day! I’m afraid those old brothers in the regiment have begun to challenge the peerless, right? But I can’t. I still have a burden on my shoulder. Although I haven’t seen the so-called discoverer fleet yet, I have a hunch that most of Yagues has suffered misfortune. "
"Yagues? You mean Master Sun? " Leia’s canthus fretting
"Yes, I know Yagues too well, and he can’t come up with such a way. He didn’t have the courage to defect, not to mention coercing Yagues to seize the captain of the mighty ship. I conclude that there is another master behind the discoverer’s fleet, and this man is a guy who knows his luck very well. Yagues and Jakkula are in such a mess because they are facing a great opponent. Hum me, these two stupid grandchildren don’t have any brilliant places to want to die, but one is competing with the other and Yagues dies! At most, foster a grandson with more potential, but Yagues, after all, is my grandson’s enemy. We must notify him to be vigilant against the seven killers and the Eagle Fire Bell. Don’t underestimate me. "
"It belongs to the immediate alliance of Forbes and Magellan. If something happens to Master Sun, please be too sorry for your loss." Adjutant Leia bowed his head slightly and let him hone his excellent mentality for more than 30 years.
Leia, the adjutant, always keeps his stiff face, even on the battlefield, but he will still show some subtle mood swings in the face of too much, just like saying that Yagues is likely to have suffered misfortune. He immediately showed a little shock and anger. What about Yagues’s death? Speaking of it, he has long disliked the second sai-jo, but the leader of the company is the emperor of the whole blood-soaked adventure group. If he stays with the happy old man for a long time, Leia has done a good job.
Don’t say that the zombie-faced adjutant’s excellent psychological quality says that Lin momo couldn’t help frowning after measuring the situation of the enemy and the enemy at this moment.
Blood-soaked adventure group A large number of star cruise ships have entered the magnetic cloud, which has brought the news to you. If the other party comes to 100 ships and relies on five barrier badges, they will not be afraid. However, a fleet of 210 elite star cruise ships is a powerful force that people can’t ignore.

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"You are-"Jane really can’t remember this person, but she has to pretend.

"It’s understandable that the villain Wang Santong’s little official can’t remember. The villain was only visited by the owner of Zhuangzi a few years ago, and he often visited the owner of Zhuangzi these years. It’s a pity that the villain missed the little official several times without being blessed!" This man is also good at talking.
"How is this wine?" Jane nodded a little.
"Don’t be afraid to boast that the owner of Zhuang Zi personally supervises the making of wine. It is also famous in this mansion. There is also the Pan family Pan Yang restaurant Jasper Spring Sujia Juxianlou Jade Distillery, which is slightly better than others." Wang Santong’s face is quite attractive.
"Can my wine have a name?"
"The master of Zhuang zi personally called the hundred steps down!"
"Is it possible that my family sells antiperspirants?"
"Non-antiperspirant is good wine!"
"Oh, I understand!" Jane hesitated. "It’s better to call the kettle black!"
"Good name, good name!" Wang Santong busy nod.
"Bring pen and ink!" Jane saw him say that he was full of lofty sentiments, and a little while later, the page presented a pen and ink, grabbed a pen, and got drunk.
"It’s framed and can be hung outside!" Jane was quite satisfied with these three words, but Wang Santong looked embarrassed and quick.
"Good words, good words!" Wang Santong quickly handed over his hand and congratulated him, "Don’t show more concessions than the master of Zhuang zi!"
"That’s good, Master Zhuang-er, can my father keep it?"
"Isn’t this it?" Wang Santong pointed to the wall with the three words "Hundred Steps Down"
Sure enough, it’s a domineering exposure, and it’s terrible!
"Good word!" Jane looked at the old man’s words and then at her own words. Her face finally turned white, from white to black and from black to normal. "It’s framed and hung next to my father!"
Dare to laugh at my words? It’s still a good word hanging next to my father’s word.
{Thank you for your support. Your support is our greatest motivation}
The second chapter meets everything
The second chapter meets everything
"Is that well-proportioned and unrestrained young official in front of you a streamer?"
Fengfu is so lively, you can often hear such yelling, Jane has a full face of smiles and looks around. It really is that Fengfu’s style is not recreated.
Er ya desperately pulled Jane to have a skirt.
"Do you want to eat my tofu!" Jane laughed and tried to touch her double face.
"Hurry up! There is fun elsewhere! " It’s rare for Er Ya to say such a whole sentence, even if Jane touched her.
"Brother Liuguang, slow down!"
Cuff was pulled forward by Er Ya again.
"Jane streamer can’t hear the little brother’s voice?"
The sound at the back is getting louder and louder.
"But call me?" Jane looked at Er Ya.
Two ya a face of nervous hurriedly shook his head and nodded again found wrong and busy shook his head.
When Jane turned around, she saw a rough face in front of her. This fellow was a handsome man, shaking his head and getting fat. Even if he was wearing satin, he could see that he was a foodie!
"Is the streamer me?" Jane looked at the goods and wanted to laugh.
"Did Brother Liuguang change his words?" This foodie looks surprised and inexplicable.
Jane looked at Er Ya Er Ya and nodded, only then did she confirm that the goods were different from his father’s level before she was born again.
"Dare to ask you-"
"What brother I am your brother, you are my brother!" This foodie grabbed Jane’s shoulder. "I heard that Sue’s shopkeeper retired some time ago-"
"Break off an engagement!" Jianyoudao
"Yes, yes, it’s his mother who broke off her marriage. This old man has eyes but doesn’t know gold and jade, so his wife is playing around. Today, my younger brother will host my brother and have a few drinks!"
"This-"Jane has the impression of eating goods. At that time, she was hesitant. Next to her, Er Ya shook her head like a rattle and was not afraid of her falling apart.
"Hurry up!" Eating goods is high-handed, and Jane goes to the nearby Panyang Building.
Xiao er yi Liu will bring the dining tables.
"There were a few new girls singing in the Tea House yesterday. It’s not bad!"
"Drink!" Jane has a toast to eat food.
"A San of Changle Square lent me five taels of gambling money. San Qian silver promised to return this fellow a few days ago, but he wouldn’t go there and go to his house to find him unlucky!"
"You-you-this fellow isn’t-be loved. I called my sister to accompany me-I haven’t! Zhang’s mother’s name is ―― Cui Hua ―― "Chihuo squints at Jane with two ya bobbing around.
"Dare to ask your brother!" Jianyoudao
"I’m-I’m-Han Wuyan’s dad-Han Qi’s a good friend-who looks familiar?" Say that the fat man leans forward and throws down several cups and dishes and snores like thunder.
Han Qi? Isn’t this fellow the queen of famous ministers? Why are you so mixed up?
"Pay the bill!" Jane made a noise and threw a piece of broken silver.
I can’t believe that this fellow is still a famous minister, and Jane has a natural and unrestrained checkout, regardless of that Han Wuyan’s two ya’s going home.
"Little officer person-"
Er ya looks coy.
"What do you want to say?"
"That’s a bad guy!"
"That fellow-"
Jane nodded and said, "Sure enough, he’s a bad guy. Let’s have a drink another day and see what’s wrong. It’s better not to be as bad as him in the future!"
Two ya stamp a stamp "little officer person-"
It’s really not interesting to wander around Fengfeng these two days, and it’s boring to panic after the novelty.
"Er ya is better than going to see Sue the shopkeeper!"

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Sure enough, just like I thought … Looking at the wooden door fluttering with the waves on the sea, I stretched my foot and pressed the wooden door. After making sure that the wooden door would not sink, the whole person followed.

"…" Oogway, there was no sound behind me for my actions.
Looking back, my eyes are like a mechanical turtle. I really feel comfortable with it. I think I prefer the old turtle who will spoil me.
"Wait for me, Master." For the first time, I called out the word "Master" to him with a serious and sincere attitude.
Although I have always known that the tortoise fairy is a unified program, no matter how long you get along, you will have feelings!
The first chapter 6 water line bead
I fired a turtle fairy qigong bullet at the sea behind me. With the reaction, the board I stood on quickly rushed to the middle of the sea, and the wooden door was twice as fast as the flying car!
It’s a sunny day, and white clouds are blooming in the distance. I’m suddenly leaping with warm breath in waves, and the sea breeze is rustling in my ears, and milky white waves are splashing my pants. A cool and carefree feeling fills my heart. If I’m not in a hurry to finish it, I really want to enjoy this sea surfing feeling.
In surfing, the thunder suddenly rushed to my side and shouted at me, "honk-honk!" The owner made the game play in a way other than the game setting and developed 30 new moves to start the hidden ability illusion. "
Illusion? What is this ability? The official website doesn’t have the ability to say? My brow wrinkled when I heard the so-called "hiding ability"
Although online games always deliberately attract players to explore and pursue hidden machines and treasures, no one will set their abilities as hidden, right?
When I think about this, I think of my ex-brother. They form a hidden ending in the game. I hope it won’t be some damn strange thing.
A little distracted, a wave of tens of feet came head-on, and I almost fell into the sea. I quickly lowered my body and barely held myself steady before I fell into the sea, but I was all wet.
"Master, be careful ….." Thunderstorm rebuked me like shouting.
The tone of thunder sounded like I was scolded by a three-year-old child and suddenly felt a little cute.
"Okay, I’ll pay attention." I answered it with a smile.
After rushing through the waves, an island appeared at sea level.
Is that the island? Looking ahead, I strengthened the strength of the turtle fairy qigong bomb and ran away to my destination with the fastest speed.
The island’s land is charred black, and the big rocks are like blood. A dark brown castle stands at the top of the island, and the sunshine behind the castle is brighter than the blue sky …
What a strange castle … Looking at the scene before me, I suddenly feel dizzy and want to vomit.
That castle is not as beautiful as most people think, just look at its color-dark brown. Which castle will use brown as the wall color? And the appearance of the castle …
No, it has no appearance at all. The whole city is irregular. The only thing that can be clearly distinguished is the ups and downs of the castle appearance. There are holes in the city wall. According to the building structure, it should be a window or an entrance, right? The whole city looks like if I want to come up with a word to form it …
"smash chocolate cake" should be that most appropriate word.
Is this a visual attack? Let the player vomit until he is weak, and defeat the devil player naturally? I tried my best to resist the urge to vomit and try not to faint. In the face of such a huge pile of rotten chocolate, I can still smell the sweet chocolate.
No, I think too much. It’s like this here. It’s my brother. They have aesthetic problems. It’s not a visual attack at all. I shook my head and took a deep breath to try to sober my head.
How do I get in now? When I arrived near the castle, I found that there were many monsters guarding the castle. Those monsters were half my height, with light green skin, big head and small body, and looked like aliens.
I didn’t know that the alien’s name is "Laker" because it belongs to a passive attack monster, that is to say, they won’t attack the player actively, but they won’t attack the player until the player enters their attack range. Laker is a kind of fight-resistant monster with low attack power but strong defense power.
It is said that the top floor of Devil Castle will reach the top floor in this way … I don’t think it will take me ten days to walk. I look at the towering cake castle and think hard about the countermeasures.
There are an amazing number of defense castles. There are three or five guards at every entrance and exit of the castle. There are groups of patrol guards outside the castle. At first glance, their defense seems to be perfect
But when I carefully observed the movements of the Lacks, I found an interesting place, that is, the Lacks have a fixed route. Although it seems that the defense is tight, there will be a small gap in the route when the two batches of Lacks meet.
Maybe I can take advantage of this gap … I have a bold action plan in my mind.
It’s harder to sneak in with such a tight defense than to ascend to heaven. Then I might as well go in the opposite direction and go straight through the door!
If I’m careful not to go into the attack range, they won’t attack me. I can enter the castle through the gap in their activity route. If I’m lucky, I may reach the top floor without fighting. But if I’m unlucky … I may be crushed to death by a bunch of rakes! I shed a cold sweat at the thought of that terrible situation.
I took a deep breath and quickly dived outside the city wall to seize the intersection gap. I slipped into the city smoothly. There was a spacious hall in front of me. There was a blue flame floating on the wall of the hall. The whole atmosphere made people feel dull and gloomy. The castle defended more Laker soldiers, and groups of Laker monsters kept shuttling around all the way. When I saw the Laker group, I found no place to hide. I just looked for the gap between them or solved them directly.
Hey hey! Judging from the present situation, I should be able to sneak to the top floor soon to find the devil and climb to the next floor smoothly. I am proud of my calculations.
But if it’s so easy to get past my brother, how can they be labeled as "perverted lunatics" by players? As soon as I climbed to the fourth floor, I heard a familiar sound …
"Hum …" The dense vibration of wings echoed in the aisle on the fourth floor.
It seems that my "old friend" appeared and I smiled bitterly.
It seems impossible to reach the top without spending a little effort.
The mosquito legion soon appeared in front of me and counted. At present, there are fifteen of them.
This amount is probably enough for a shot of shotgun. I evaluate the current situation and I don’t want to wave too much energy before I reach the devil.
One or two mosquitoes narrowly escaped me after a shot of shotgun blast, and then each kicked them and sent them to accompany their companions.
The further I go, the more I meet the mosquito legion, and the slower I go. Until the last attack, the mosquito legion actually increased by 120!
"Tired of it! Why does it keep popping up? More and more mosquitoes hinder my speed, and I feel impatient.
"Honk! Come on! Come on! "Thunderstorms constantly cheer me up, and sometimes they help me. I hit a few mosquitoes that attacked me.
"Come on, exercise one! It’s still a long way to go after I stop playing Qigong bombs. I can’t finish playing Qigong bombs here. When I decide to change my fist to solve mosquitoes, I’ll wait for a fight with the devil to prepare for the warm-up.
As a result of close combat, of course, I couldn’t fight back when I met mosquitoes. When I arrived at the eleventh floor, I had more than ten wounds, big and small, messy hair and dirty clothes. The whole person was in a mess
The authenticity of this game is really "good"! I’ve never been so miserable when I played sniper before! I looked down at my face and smiled.
Laugh not because of embarrassment; Laughter is due to satisfaction.
It’s been a long time since I fought alone. I’ve been used to the team warfare mode since I teamed up with others. Now, the satisfaction of working hard alone and trying my best to fight monsters has brought me back to the time when I first entered the sniper.
After entering the eleventh floor, the mosquito legion disappeared instantly, and the guard monster on this floor changed back to the Laker monster.
Shout ….. Finally, it’s easier to look at the familiar Luck Blame. I feel relieved and slowly walk towards Luck Blame. I’m going to pass through Luck Group along the previous mode.
"touch! "Suddenly I was hit by a clay ball.
"Honk! "Suddenly, the thunder screamed as if he was very distressed and said to me," The master was attacked by Dalak, and the blood volume decreased by 30 points, leaving 170 points. "
Usually, the thunder will be shocked and call me seriously injured or the blood volume will be greatly reduced. It can be seen that this attack is very harmful to me! This situation is not shocking, and even I feel incredible.
Reduce blood volume by 30 points? Are you kidding me? I was hit by mosquitoes before, but I lost two points of blood! Huh? Wait! Isn’t the Raquel in passive attack mode? How can … I wait for a while staring at the front, blame.
Although the appearance is the same, the body shape of the former Lakshman seems to be a little bigger. The former Lakshman’s skin color is light green, but the group in front of me is dark green. The former Lakshman’s hand is unarmed, but now this group … each hand holds a clay ball.
Think about it again. Bao Lei just said that the name is big, pull and gram. This is the evolution of the Lakshman? I took two steps back in astonishment.
It’s really troublesome. There are still three floors back to the Devil’s floor, and there will be many such big trucks. According to my experience, the most conservative estimate is that I will encounter more than one hundred …
Thinking about this number, look at my equipment. There are three bottles of blood-enriching mercurochrome, a ganoderma lucidum for restoring physical strength, and I can send qigong bullets 23 times … My forehead is cold and sweaty.
No matter how I look at it, it seems that I can’t make it to the devil’s floor. Even if I am really lucky, I think I will be killed by the devil in about two seconds.
All right! In this case, I’ll give up my plan, give up my calmness and fight the monster directly. Even if I get killed, I know how I died. Let’s just earn an experience first!
I’ve always liked an efficient attack, but if the situation is out of my control, I’m too lazy to think too much. On the other hand, I’ll try my best to fight each other in the most direct way. My principle is-even if I die, I’ll die happily!
I made up my mind, and my face followed with a smile, and the hand gathered a shot wave "Big Luck! Fight! 」
First, a few shots were fired at them, and the number of them was reduced by more than half. After that, I changed my fist and attacked the body, and the blood volume was gradually reduced. Finally, I was hit by a big earth ball, and the blood volume became unified, declaring my death. The scene flashed in front of me and I was sent away from the castle.
Woo … It hurts! It really hurts to be hit by a big clay ball! I was sent back to the phantom forest in pain, and I leaned against the tree.
Strange? What will be sent here after death? Remember that official website data is not introduced like this, or that I will return to my former place only when I die in progress? Although I was puzzled by this matter, I decided to solve it first and then study it.
Two days before the deadline, I have to hang up the mosquito corps that needs to be equipped. After that, there will be blood-enriching syrup and physical supplement of Ganoderma lucidum, which is of great help to me in the long-term war of resistance.
"Hum …" My old friend appeared soon.
Come on! The more, the better! I really need you now!
I spent half a day in Phantom Woods and hung up several batches of mosquitoes. I was tired and sat on a tree to rest.
"Warehouse Startup" After I gave the instruction, a square cabinet formed by laser light and shadow appeared in front of me.

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It seems to be curtain sound.

Not good!
Liang Ping’s heart is more urgent than that of others.
Wang Huirong must have secretly given him an anesthetic when he opened the window!
He shouted in his heart!
However, he has a mouth!
What on earth will become like this!
Eager tears rolled again
Wang Huirong also came to his window and felt that Wang Huirong’s warm and soft palm suddenly covered his face and wiped away tears from his eyes.
"Liang Ping, I know you will wake up soon. You are such a kind child. I really don’t understand why your mother has to kill you. Ten times the dose of anesthesia needle is fatal!"
Speaking Wang Huirong lifted Liang Ping’s warm bedding.
Then it sounds so beautiful that Wang Huirong’s breathing is still.
What the hell happened to her!
Liang Ping is eager to know everything in the ward.
But no matter how hard he works, he can keep his eyes open.
But suddenly a male doctor whispered in my ear.
"Dr. Wang, what are you doing?"
"Oh, it’s nothing. I’m helping the patient check up." Wang Huirong was anxious to cover Liang Ping’s quilt, and he was already a little nervous.
The male doctor hesitated for a moment, saying, "In this case, please get busy first and I’ll come back to you later."
The talking male doctor is ready to step away.
Wang Huirong stopped eagerly. "Can you do me a favor?"
"What’s busy?" asked the male doctor.
"I want you to give him an anesthetic injection for me," Wang Huirong whispered.
"What, he can’t get an anesthetic injection in this situation?" The male doctor stood still with a low voice.
"I know, but it’s a family request," said Wang Huirong Nai.
"Family members ask you to commit suicide. Do you want to commit suicide!" The male doctor suddenly got angry and strode to Wang Huirong and seemed to have taken something from Wang Huirong.
Wang Huirong heaved a sigh of relief without the slightest resistance. "In fact, you are right. We doctors should have our own opinions and not kill our patients because of the wrong demands of their families."
"What’s worse?" The male doctor asked.
"What’s more, I have known Liang Ping for many years. I looked at him. daily growing, although he used to be a flowing Langhan, was still the president of Shengshi Tuan." Wang Huirong suddenly choked here and seemed to be thinking about many things.
Male doctors don’t know what Wang Huirong is talking about.
But Liang Ping is particularly white. Wang Huirong saved his life.
But she said that watching her grow up, Liang Ping was somewhat puzzled.
Since the death of the severe winter, Wenqing was taken away by the police, and he also lost his memory because of that incident, and he never saw Wang Huirong again.
My heart is wronged and confused, which makes Liang Ping want to get up and twitch his muscles.
This phenomenon shocked both Wang Huirong and the male doctor.
"Give him sleeping pills!" Warm sunny exclaim one
The male doctor hesitated and said, "Dr. Wang, you can’t do this. I don’t think he will wake up in 24 hours. This is a clinical phenomenon. His mind has come alive and he will soon be normal."
"no! I can’t wake him up! " Wang Huirong stressed
The male doctor was indifferent and said, "Dr. Wang, you cured him yourself. What are you going to destroy him? He is a living human life. How can you?"
"Why can’t Mrs. Liang kill him? I don’t have the courage to kill him. Don’t I have the power to let him sleep forever?" Wang Huirong said that he was so excited to cry here.
The male doctor took Wang Huirong into his arms one step before his death and said, "Well, this is a hospital. If these words are heard by others, you will definitely receive a stop notice. We will let him have a good sleep for the time being to calm his mood, and then we will talk about everything when we get home, okay?"

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Indeed, if an output can’t be produced in one of more than ten rounds, then what can he do to gain an advantage? What’s the point of talking to Fang about Gank?

Party want to did not expect to make public there has become such a state yawned.
"If you don’t talk, even if you lose."
Fang wants to talk to Zhang Yang’s ears and mutters a mouthful. He just wants to say how I could lose! But when he thought that he had been suppressed for more than ten rounds, he took a deep breath and nodded.
It is also the publicity of this "grace" that has already chosen to escape from the battle picture in the PK picture.
"Depend! How did this Datang government escape! I also want to see if the square-inch mountain opposite can be suppressed all the way to the end. "
"That’s right! In this case, there should be more than ten rounds, and the boss should not be able to study any data? "
"Let’s send it to the boss first."
The three wonderful young people of SK team are all full of words and mouths, and their hands have also guaranteed this video and sent it to the man they called "the boss" in their QQ group.
"What’s wrong with this video?"
Soon SK head replied to three people.
"Boss, please take a look at this PK video. Liu Xin and Zhao Lei and I both think that this square mountain is not simple."
Talking is the young man who keeps talking.
"Not simple?"
SK colonel thought about watching a video sent to him by one or three people.
But after watching a few rounds, he closed.
"The idea of this square inch mountain is good and clear, and it’s also quite Nie to play against the opponent’s Datang, but after all, his own hardware is so poor that BB can’t produce any output. You don’t need to pay too much attention to such people. Let’s focus on the elite cup before the Jingwu God League."
SK colonel said to the three people lightly
"Well …"
The three men looked at each other. The head of their SK team was all right, and they were also very good to everyone, but their personality was too arrogant and conceited. He always felt that SK was now the overlord of the 69-level elite of the Fantasy Westward Journey. For those teams that had an impact on them, they were a little afraid. Although there was nothing wrong with this practice, they did have this strength in the elite of SK, but …
I don’t know why three people always think that this dreamer F will cause them some trouble or crisis in the future.
Think too much?
The three men didn’t think much about it because the boss had told them not to put such a small role in their energy.
And party want to there is naturally didn’t think of SK people stared at him more don’t know SK head regard him as a worm.
But even if you know Fang, you won’t feel any problem. After all, the hardware of Fantasy Westward Journey is the first command and the second!
Even if Fang wants to command the explosion, he can’t take a garbage team to Gank, a 3-hole big light team like SK team.
And even if we now receive a publicity output, if we put publicity in front of the SK team, it’s still … far from it.
Make public to join didn’t make the dreamer this team have too much joy, after all … Now I think there are two people in the team, where can two people be happy?
Fortunately, there is a lot of traffic in Dream 69 Post Bar. After joining the dreamer team, another hell with a level 12 weapon found Fang Xiang.
It is …
For the exporter, the threshold will not be low, because if the output threshold is low, Gank will not be able to defeat the opponent, so that the original round of killing will be delayed to two rounds, so that there will be some effort when facing the big bright sky group like Carry team and SK team.
Fang Xiang’s goal is not just to play a simple team.
And that with 12 levels of weapons in hell was rejected by Fang Xiang, and Fang Xiang wanted to accept people face to face and replied directly.
"The garbage team still has such a high vision?"
"I am a 12-level weapon, and you still call me garbage?"
Such words are naturally ignored by Fang Xiang, but Fang Xiang can’t stand it, and some people can’t stand it.
Make public to see the party want to accept people post such discordant words appear directly after the hell reply that on the first floor.
"You said our head garbage? You are a broken level 12? Who are you with? "
Make public, he says, sent out his 14-level weapon.
Although this weapon is not very powerful, it is much stronger than this hell.
"how about it? Can I buy you a number with a weapon? "
"Even if I can’t walk for ten rounds with the head of F, do you still say that people are rubbish?"
Make public words, though bitter, are thin, but this hell … Really can’t say anything! Because make public the price of the 14-level knife is really more expensive than the sum of his numbers …
After all, the sword weapon in Fantasy Westward Journey is the most expensive.
And Fang Xiang didn’t refute Zhang Yang’s words. He knew that Zhang Yang said so, and it was also because of Zhang Yang’s making a noise that many elite players at level 69 were eager to try. Fang Xiang was also chatting privately. Everyone was frank, and after sending it to Fang Xiang, he waited for Fang Xiang to reply.
Joining a team is just like interviewing a company. Your team will want you only if your hardware is bright.
While chatting privately with my 69-bar dream friends, I think I also found many players who are qualified to enter my team.
However, accepting these people is not as strong as accepting publicity.
Soon, there are six new members in the QQ group of Dreamer Team, and Fang wants to make public a total of individuals.
The group is also a lively.
"Colonel, you have also seen our hardware. Do you also show your hardware to your brothers?"
Immediately after this sound sounded in the group, someone echoed it, including making public and not talking. He also wanted to see what Fang Xiang’s hardware was like.
Chapter 21 Is it really so strong?
If it’s a person, Fang Xiang can still refuse, but now everyone in the QQ group has said so, so Fang Xiang can’t refuse even if he wants to refuse. It’s not good if all the previous efforts have changed jobs because of his refusal!
Thought of here to nai shook his head.
"I’ll show you if you want to see it. My hardware is just so-so."

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Just entering the school, Asma Sarutobi Kurenai and others came to lead the students. They stood still in shock at the sight of seven nights.

"Four generations of Huo Ying adults!"
"no! I’m not four generations of Muhuoying. "Seven nights of sunshine smiles." Four generations of Muhuoying are my father. My name is Bo Feng. I’ve only been in Konoha for a few days. Please take more photos. "
"What?" Seven nights and one revelation, everyone’s mood was pushed to a climax again, and he was very surprised. "You are the vortex country, and the wave wind killed those guys in seven nights."
After the climax, the forbearers all led their own students away. At last, the class of Iruka has not been claimed. After reading the placement list, Iruka told all the students to wait quietly for their placement teacher to claim it. Unexpectedly, when they came out, they met Asma Sarutobi Kurenai and seven nights. Iruka made a ceremony to Asma and Sarutobi Kurenai. When he saw seven nights later, he was surprised and said, "Are you? That night? Are you an adult of four generations? "
Seven nights smiled and said, "I didn’t come to explain that night. I’m not a four-generation naruto. I’m his son. It happened that I came from the vortex country on the day of seven nights. It was a coincidence that you met." In fact, it was seven nights on purpose. It was no coincidence at all.
Iruka was even more shocked and stammered, "Are you your seven-night adult?"
"All right, Iruka!" Seven nights patted Iruka on the shoulder and looked at this guy, who is two or three years older than him. He always smiled at Naruto’s nice guy and said, "Naruto, the kid who doesn’t worry, gave you a lot of trouble, so he taught me. I’ll let him know what true benevolence is."
"ah? Are you going to personally guide Naruto? " Iruka was amazed at the strength of seven nights, but he saw it with his own eyes and got his guidance. It seems that Naruto’s dream has gone further, and his heart is relieved.
**** *w*w*w**** ***o*m
"It’s almost the same when it’s ready. Let’s go in, Asma predecessors and Sarutobi Kurenai predecessors!"
Chapter 5 Seven Nights Coming (4)
Almost all the students, especially the girls, are boiling up as soon as they step into the classroom door.
"Wow, that blond hair is also our instructor? I seem to have seen it somewhere. It’s so handsome. If I can get his guidance, I will die happily. "
"Quiet!" Asma drank a lot of noise, but there were still many whispers.
"Why are you so fierce? It’s not your fault that you are difficult to grow."
"It’s just that compared with my super sunshine handsome teacher, you are a horse-faced uncle."
What is Asma like? Can’t hear them? Green face embarrassed to look at the seven nights immediately didn’t good the spirit tunnel "read the name to come with me Nara Shikamaru, Akimichi Chōji, Yamanaka Ino".
After Asma led his team away, Sarutobi Kurenai went on to call the roll "Hinata Hyuga, Inuzuka Kiba and Aburame Shino, you three come with me".
Finally, it was the seventh night. After Asma and Hong left, the female students went crazy.
"Ah! What’s your name, teacher? Where do you live? "
"Hey, teacher, can you introduce yourself?"
In the face of this situation, he was embarrassed for seven nights. He had seen madness, but he had never seen such madness. He looked at Naruto again for seven nights, but he saw him pouting and turning his face to one side arrogantly.
"Hum, what’s the big deal? Don’t you just look a little handsome like smelly fart Sasuke?"
Naruto had not finished rambling for seven nights when he suddenly came to his name "Naruto Uzumaki, you come with me".
In everyone’s puzzled and surprised eyes, Naruto’s name was called for seven nights, which even Naruto himself couldn’t believe. The whole class suddenly became very quiet, which seemed to be the most bizarre and unrealistic thing they had ever seen.
At this time, Iruka pushed the door and broke the silence at the right time.
"Naruto, don’t hurry up and thank Lord Seven Nights."
"Wow, the teacher’s name is Seven Nights. What a handsome name, but how he chose that crane tail guy is really puzzling."
As soon as Iruka broke the silence, the students became noisy again. Iruka added, "Do you think adults at Seven Nights look familiar and like a person? Is the seven-night adult very similar to the four-generation adult? Right! Because the seven-night adults are the four generations of adults, Naruto, if you can get the guidance of the seven-night adults, you should be glad that your dream will go further. "
"ah! At this moment, Naruto’s mind has already seen the resolute face of four generations of Naruto statues. Suddenly, he feels that his dream is so close, and the boy named Seven Nights, who is four years older than him, gives him a feeling of being more intimate and connected with blood. Naruto bowed to Seven Nights for the first time and firmly tunnel, "Thank you, Teacher Seven Nights!"
Seven nights patted Naruto on the shoulder and ignored others leading Naruto out, which made other students envious, especially the anthomaniac KINOMOTO SAKURA. At this moment, she could hardly wait to eat Naruto alive. Sasuke is still as indifferent as ever, as if the world were with him.
Seven nights brought Naruto to a land behind Huoyingyan.
"Then let’s introduce ourselves first!" Seven Nights said bluntly, "My name is Bo Feng. Seven Nights are four generations of fire shadows. As I said just now, I have no favorite things, no hate things and no dreams. I don’t want to tell you yet."
Naruto looked defeated by you and said, "Cut! When I didn’t say anything, Naruto stood up and said, "My name is Naruto Uzumaki. My favorite thing is Yile. Lamian Noodles hates smelly fart to help. My dream is to be recognized by everyone when Huo Ying."
"Huoying?" Seven nights faint tunnel "want to be a naruto is not just talking about it, but there is no shortcut, you have to surpass me."
Seven nights’ words meant nothing to him, but they had a great influence on Naruto, and it was precisely because of these words that Naruto made a good preparation for his future road.
"I will definitely surpass your seven-night teacher," Naruto said firmly. "Practice now, no matter how hard and tired I am."

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what’s up Need to discuss with me? Sun Hao’s heart slowed down a bit.

Xia Yan glanced at XuanYuanHong and didn’t show much respect for this monk Tsukiji, but he didn’t show her his face, but smiled and said, "This is good for saying that Sun Hao won’t have any opinions but won’t discuss it with him."
Xuanyuanhong chuckled, "That’s not necessarily true. I don’t think it’s meaningful to be small and knowledgeable."
I came to Lin Lan town, and this little girl actually followed me like candy. I wanted Sun Hao’s parents to move to Beijing to enjoy themselves. As a result, this girl jumped out and said no, it wasn’t so irritating. Xia Lan was a little annoyed at the sight of this girl who made Xia Lan feel very uncomfortable. If she hadn’t scrupled about this girl’s position of repairing peace, Xia Lan would have been impolite to him.
Xia Yan’s eyes stared and seemed to want to get angry. Xia Jing hurriedly pulled her sleeve. Xia Yan remembered that this was Sun Hao’s home. He couldn’t help smiling sweetly. He smiled at Wu Yuhe and Sun Qiang. "Uncle and aunt, this matter is still your decision. If you are willing to go to Beijing, my royal family will naturally not treat you badly."
Sun Hao understood that Xia An wanted his parents to settle in Beijing.
Wu Yuhe and Sun Qiang looked at each other with a joke that three beautiful girls suddenly arrived, but for Xia Rong to lead the way, they couldn’t believe that these three girls were really looking for their own home.
Xia Rong, they know the patriarch of the largest friar family in Nanxian County, and take care of Lanlin Town in Sun Jiahe. It is the owner of Nanxian County, but Xia Rong is afraid to catch his breath in front of the three girls. Introduce the three girls’ position.
Two older people are directly two princesses.
Where’s the princess ! The two kids in Sun’s family are directly talking about the princess with their eyes shining! ! Can you not be excited to witness the two princesses talking about it? <
Chapter two hundred and ninety-nine ErShu jealousness
The younger girl behind is said to be a younger brother. It seems that the two princesses Xia Rong and the two princesses are very respectful to her, but there is no concept of living in Sun Qiang or Wu Yuhe. The two kids think that the princess is more powerful.
Haven’t you seen the two children glance at the two princesses from time to time, whether they write or boil medicine? If it weren’t for the calmness of the family, it would be strange for two children to feel at ease.
Compared with the two children, Sun Qiang and his wife feel another doubt in their hearts. These people come to saying that they are their own children, Sun Hao, and they don’t know what earth-shattering events Sun Hao has done. They were killed by three girls as beautiful as flowers and pure as jade, and the couple were proud and a little nervous. In other words, which play is this? Ok, these three girls and Xia Lao are very kind. The three girls are very clever. Then say that they are not guilty.
Xia Lao Xia Rong is another mentality at this time. He has long felt that Sun Hao is not a thing in the pool, but he never imagined that Sun Hao would be so fierce. It was learned that Sun Hao actually killed Zong Di’s younger brother and won the Longfinch’s secret land score first or that high record first created a precedent in Xia Guo’s history, which made him tongue-tied.
This time, the two princesses of Xia Guo lived in a building foundation, and their younger brothers actually came to Nanxian County to visit Sun Hao’s parents, which made him fully feel Sun Hao’s toughness than influence and toughness than charm.
But at the same time, I was surprised that Xia Rong’s heart was a little faint and worried that the girl was too far away from sunny or rainy. This is not good!
Xia Rongren’s age is fine. I can’t see that the two girls are not saving oil lamps. This time, they have already vaguely started fighting with each other. It is estimated that such struggles will often occur in the future.
Xia Rongzheng lamented that people were too good to worry about being robbed. I heard Sun Haoyin coming over when I sighed endlessly. "My parents … I’m back."
Just like leaving Aoki Zong, Sun Hao left Lanlin Town quietly after visiting his parents, and never disturbed his neighbors except visiting an ancient strong.
Wu Yuhe, the mother of the night, arranged for the guests and two children to sleep early. Sun Hao and his father Sun Qiang had a long talk all night. Over the past ten years, Sun Qiang’s temples have turned pale, but he has a profound body and a spirit of Sun Haodan’s medicine conditioning, and he is also strong and healthy. He has not been tired for a night.
Sun Qiang, a monk, doesn’t know much about the world, but he has told Sun Hao a lot by analogy combined with his own Jianghu experience. Sun Hao has to listen carefully whether he can help Sun Hao even a little or not.
There are three main points in Sun Hao’s serious communication with his father.
Sun Qiang once again reiterated the importance of the foundation and once again warned Sun Hao that the foundation of cultivation should not be underestimated. According to Sun Qiang, it is out of date to consolidate the foundation.
Second, Sun Qiang warned Sun Haoren not to be afraid of losses, to learn to do more things, to help more friends, not to care too much about temporary gains and losses, and to focus on the long-term. These words are quite different from the monk’s world view. Most monks emphasize that it is very different from Sun Qiang’s statement, but Sun Hao still feels that his father’s teaching is very meaningful and his mind has been baptized again.
Third, Sun Qiang also told Sun Hao to be ruthless, accurate and steady. If he meets the enemy, he will be fatal and leave no future trouble …
Sun Qiang said a lot, and Sun Hao listened very attentively, and he really felt that his father was very simple. His views were often of great help to his spiritual path, such as paying attention to the foundation. It was according to his father’s view that Sun Hao was able to walk steadily and steadily to the present.
Wu Yuhe was going to tell Sun Hao about finding a daughter-in-law. Before you know it, Sun Hao is almost 20 years old. Most of the children of his age in Lin Lan Town have already got married, and many of them have a generation. However, three fairy girls have found a home. Wu Yuhe feels that she will skip this section if she doesn’t exercise this luxury. However, it is indispensable to worry about her mother.
Of course, Wu Yuhe never imagined that it was because of his poor thoughts that his son treated emotional problems in hindsight, which led to a lot of jokes. Wu Yuhe never imagined that Xianmen was all right and everything was available, but he didn’t teach people how to face feelings or how to pursue women’s studies.
Sun Hao read many ancient books and records, and even Sun Hao personally promoted Tong Li and Xiao Wan, a Taoist couple. However, Sun Hao would not think that emotion and cultivation are not necessarily connected, even if you practice higher, it will be a mess when you face emotional problems.
The reason why Sun Hao’s younger brothers and sisters worship Sun Hao is that the two princess brothers and sisters in the family have no spiritual roots and can’t cultivate immortality. Sun Hao once again gave the two little guys some pills that they can use to improve their physique. It will be much easier to practice medicine and improve their physique.
The next afternoon, Sun Hao bid farewell to his parents’ swords and set foot on the road of practice again.
At this time, the sunshine was just right, but the breeze blew and the leaves rustled and flew half-wistfully. Sun Hao smiled at his companions around him and said, "Let’s go."
Sun Qiang declined Xia Shan’s kindness and didn’t plan to go to Beijing, which may be better for the two children, but Sun Qiang knew that the two children didn’t have spiritual roots to go to the monks and walk around Beijing. There is no doubt that there will be many variables. Once an accident happens, it will be a big deal, even if Sun Hao gets it again, sometimes even if it is beyond his control. Moreover, the Sun Qiang couple have lived in Lanlin Town for many years and don’t want to be dragged down by Sun Hao.
For various reasons, I came to Sun Qiang and declined Xia’s kindness, which made Xia’s face quite disappointed, and XuanYuanHong seemed happy to smile and her eyes narrowed into a crescent moon.
Sun Hao felt a little wrong when he returned to Jinghua Road. The two little girls were a little wrong with each other. Anyway, if you think it’s good, I’ll object to your bad words. I’ll say that Sun Hao has a big head and can’t help but think doubtfully, "Everyone is friends and should be hostile to each other?" It’s really hard to understand "<
Chapter two hundred and ninety-one Receive nothing but idle lang
Sun Hao, of course, is even more surprised that Xia Lan is a princess born in the face of Godsworn Zongzhuji. She is a monk who refined gas and dared to directly express her dissatisfaction. It’s really bold …
Xia Jing also advised her sister, but Xia Yan said, "Don’t advise me, elder sister. Anyway, I will see that little girl is not pleasing to the eye and pretend to be confused and naive about everything. I hate pretending to be a person …"
It’s strange that XuanYuanGong "has a spirit of heaven and earth" from time to time, but he never makes peace with Xia An. Most of the time, he always smiles, let alone XuanYuanGong, which really won a lot of goodwill from Sun Hao.
Sun Hao returned to Jinghua City the day before Qingyun Zhanzhou took off.
At this time, there is a lively and extraordinary festive atmosphere in Jinghua City, and the streets and lanes are full of people’s flags and banners, and red and red celebration slogans are everywhere. People in the streets are full of joy, and the news that the dragons and birds in the teahouse and the wine shop win the five elements of magic clan is still a hot topic at all times.
Sun Haosun Shenxiang Junshan will hunt the Longfinch’s Secret Realm, and the first place in the standings will once again focus on the adults in Beijing competing to praise the wonder. Moreover, I don’t know where Lao Jia got the information of the Longfinch’s Secret Realm these days. Actually, he continued to write a book called "Beijing Shenxiang Secret Realm", which is once again selling well in Beijing. Brother Jinghua is almost a hand.
When Sun Hao entered the capital city, one of the most obvious feelings was that 10% of the young men in the streets and alleys actually carried a sword box on their backs, just like Sun Hao carried agarwood.
The two princesses and Xuanyuanhong are amazed at this spectacle. Even people in the streets are Sun Hao admirers.
Sun Hao is also ironic. I didn’t expect to bear the sword box to become my own symbol.
However, Sun Hao’s agarwood sword has been brought into the abdomen, but it can also achieve the effect of self-cultivation without carrying it. Although Sun Hao is famous in Beijing, there are not many people who actually know it in Beijing. Even if he now carries the agarwood sword, it is estimated that few people can recognize him.
Sun Hao didn’t go to Aoki City, but returned to Zhulinyuan. At this time, Gu Yun, they have not yet come to Jinghua Zhulinyuan, which is slightly quiet.

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